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The Orchestra

Choose between an interactive guided tour of the exhibition rooms or a guided tour +, which combines a general discovery of the collections with a session in the Atelier, a space dedicated to musical practice.

Guided Tour

3rd-6th grade

The symphony orchestra is a fascinating world that raises many questions. What instruments are there? Has it always been like this? How are the instruments organized in the orchestra? What is the life of a musician like? What is the conductor's job? What kind of music does an orchestra play? In a spirit of dialogue, the guide will try to answer the students' various questions and will also offer them the opportunity to try out one or other instrument.

Guided tour +

3rd-6th grade

Let's take a look behind the scenes of an orchestra. How do you play the violin? How does the horn sound? And what if we just tried to play it? In the Atelier, the children, each equipped with an instrument, will become orchestral musicians for a while and will learn to follow the conductor. The maestro's mysterious movements will soon hold no secrets for them!


Price: € 90 (15 children + 1 supervisor per group, 3 groups maximum)
Time: 90 min
You can only book a guided tour via this reservation form.
For further information you can contact us from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:00 or by email.