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Discovery tour

Choose between an interactive guided tour of the exhibition rooms or a guided tour +, which combines a general discovery of the collections with a session in the Atelier, a space dedicated to musical practice.

Guided tour

1st-6th grade

This is the ideal tour to discover the museum if you come for the first time! You probably know the guitar and the piano. But have you ever played them? Have you ever heard of the theremin or the glass harmonica? Let yourself be surprised by instruments that are sometimes classical, sometimes surprising or amusing. Look at them carefully, listen to them, try them out... Soon, our instruments will have no more secrets for you!

Guided tour +

1st-6th grade

The world of musical instruments is so vast that it is sometimes difficult to find your way around. By learning how to classify instruments into large families, you will be able to see things more clearly. In the rooms of the museum, you will discover the string and wind instruments: the violin, of course, but also the spinet or the hurdy-gurdy. The trumpet, certainly, but also the accordion or the dung chen. As for the percussion instruments, you will get to know them by playing them with the whole class in the Atelier!


Price: € 90 (15 children + 1 supervisor per group)
Time: 90 min (guided tour, 6 groups maximum - guided tour +, 3 groups maximum)
You can only book a guided tour via this reservation form.
For further information you can contact us from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:00 or by email.


La valse des notes

Pour approfondir le côté scientifique du son, il est également possible de combiner la visite du MIM à un atelier d’expérimentation scientifique organisé par Cap Sciences. Avec un animateur spécialisé qui viendra dans ta classe, vous essayerez de répondre aux  questions suivantes (et bien d’autres) : qu’est-ce qu’un son ? Comment se propage-t-il ? Comment fonctionne notre oreille ?

This activity is only available in French.


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