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Singer songwriters from Tuscany

Valentina Lombardi

Filippo Nencioni

Filippo Nencioni

Andrea Turchi

Andrea Turchi

Bernardo Sommani

Bernardo Sommani

Tommaso Novi

Tommaso Novi

Giacomo Lariccia

Giacomo Lariccia ©Rocco Casaluci

©Rocco Casaluci

Four young Tuscan songwriters (Amira, Filippo Nencioni, Pandem and Bernardo Sommani) will be introduced by Tuscan songwriter Tommaso Novi, the only teacher of musical whistle in Europe (at the Florence Conservatory) and Giacomo Lariccia, the Italian-Belgian singer/songwriter who has been a finalist in the Premio Tenco three times.
The performance by the four artists, winners of the Direzione Musica Young competition held in July in Fauglia, Pisa, is scheduled for 14:30 at the MIM.
In the second part of the concert Tommaso Novi and Giacomo Lariccia take the stage and will treat the audience with a moving succession of notes, musical whistles and poetry.

Bernardo Sommani - voice and guitar
Amira - voice and autoproduced basses
Filippo Nencioni - voice and guitar
Pandem - voice and guitar

Tommaso Novi - voice, whistle and piano
Giacomo Lariccia - voice and guitar